Journal Articles
Bergmann, Iris M. 2020. Naturalness and the Legitimacy of Thoroughbred Racing: A Photo-Elicitation Study with Industry and Animal Advocacy Informants. Animals 10(9): 1513.
Bergmann, Iris M. 2019. Interspecies Sustainability to Ensure Animal Protection: Lessons from the Thoroughbred Racing Industry. Sustainability 11(19):5539.
Bergmann, Iris 2015. Sustainability, thoroughbred racing and the need for change. Pferdeheilkunde 31(5), 490-498.
Bergmann, Iris 2010. What is the Role of The Arts in the face of this? An Exploration in the Context of Whole Systems Thinking and Change for Sustainability. PAN Philosophy Activism Nature 7, 23-32.
Skamp, Keith & Iris Bergmann 2001. Facilitating learnscape development, maintenance and use: teachers’ perceptions and self reported practice. Environmental Education Research 7(4), 333-358
Bergmann, Iris 2000. How to Grasp Environmental Complexities? Photographic Narratives and Environmental Concept Formation. Australian Journal of Environmental Education 15/16 (December), 9-16.
Chapters in Scholarly Books
Bergmann, Iris. 2019. He Loves to Race – or Does He? Ethics and Welfare in Racing. In Equine Cultures in Transition: Ethical Questions, 1st edition, edited by Jonna Bornemark, Petra Andersson and Ulla Ekström von Essen. Routledge Advances in Sociology. Milton Park, Abingdon, Oxon; New York, NY: Routledge, 117-133. Pre-proof
Bergmann, Iris 2009. Enhancing and Supporting TVET for Sustainable Development: Towards a Synthesis. In: John Fien, Rupert Maclean and Man-Gon Park (Eds.) Work, Learning and Sustainable Development: Opportunities and Challenges. Springer Science+Business Media B.V., Dordrecht, The Netherlands, 489-496.
Neil, Cameron, Matthew Bentley, Lisa Ryan, Daniel Donahoo, Iris Bergmann & John Fien 2009. Learning for ‘otherWISE’: being wise about consumption. In: Peter B Corcoran and Osano, Philip M (Eds.) Young People, Education and Sustainable Development: Exploring Principles, Perspectives and Praxis. Wageningen Academic Publishers, The Netherlands, 273-280.
Bergmann, Iris Marie. 2020. Towards Interspecies Sustainability: The Future for Thoroughbreds and Thoroughbred Racing. PhD Thesis. Sydney: The University of Sydney.
Bergmann, Iris M. 1998. Visual Imagery and Concept Formation About Environmental Issues Through Creative Photography. PhD Thesis. Lismore: Southern Cross University.
Bergmann, Iris M. 2021. The Intersection of Animals and Global Sustainability — A Critical Studies Terrain for Better Policies? Proceedings 73(1):13.
Bergmann, Iris, Tania von der Heidt and Cecily Maller 2010. Cognitive dissonance and individuals’ response strategies as a basis for audience segmentation to reduce factory farmed meat consumption, in Rebekah Russell-Bennett and Sharyn Rundle-Thiele (Eds), Connecting Thought and Action. Proceedings of the 2010 International Nonprofit & Social Marketing conference (INSM), Brisbane 15 – 16 July, 32-35.
Technical Publications and Reports
Bergmann, Iris. 2013. UNESCO Green School Action Project – Climate Change Education in Banjarmasin South Kalimantan Province, Indonesia – Field Research in Jakarta and Banjarmasin. Unpublished Report.
Bergmann, Iris. 2013. Supporting the Uptake of Skills for Sustainability in Australia, Report on Work Package 1, International Leading Practice. Submitted to the Industry Skills and Productivity Branch, Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research and Tertiary Education (DIISRTE), DIISR 13/00659.
RMIT EU Centre. 2012. Green Economy – Green Skills. High Level Policy Briefing and Symposium, Report. Edited by Iris Bergmann. European Union Centre at RMIT University, Melbourne.
Freeman, Carrie Packwood, Jan Deckers, and Iris Bergmann. 2012, Winter. Meat – Report on the Minding Animals International 2012 Meat Roundtable. Newsletterof the International Society for Environmental Ethics, Issue 23 (3), 38-42.
Bergmann, Iris. 2012, September. Report on the Minding Animals International 2012 Equine Roundtable. News Bulletin of the Australian Animal Studies Group, Issue 17, 22-23.
IYPF and RMIT University. 2010. otherWISE – Youth Leadership for Sustainable Communities – A Community Capacity Building Program for Australia. Manual for Communities, Facilitators, Youth. Edited by Iris Bergmann. RMIT University, Melbourne
IYPF and RMIT University. 2008. otherWISE – Youth Leadership for Sustainable Communities – A Community Capacity Building Program for Australia. Evaluation Report 2006 – 2008. Edited by Iris Bergmann. RMIT University, Melbourne.
Skamp, Keith, Iris Bergmann, Ros Taplin and Kristina Cooke. 2007. A Review of Air Quality Education. Australian Research Institute in Education for Sustainability, Sydney.
Selected Published and Unpublished Teaching and Learning Materials
Bergmann, Iris. 2013. UNESCO Green School Action Project – Climate Change Education in Banjarmasin South Kalimantan Province, Indonesia. Teachers’ Guide for Innovative Classroom Lessons for Upper Primary and Lower Secondary Schools. Biodiversity, Forest, Water, Waste, Energy. UNESCO Jakarta Office EDU Unit and RMIT University. Unpublished Manuscript. (Including Supplementary Material)
Fien, John, Clayton White, Iris Bergmann, Michelle Griffiths, Meg Parker, and Jane Sayers. 2008. Schools for a healthy environment: module 1: ourselves. UNICEF and the Ministry of Education, Republic of Maldives.
– module 2: earth
– module 3: life around us
– module 4: resources from the environment
– module 5: interdependence
– module 6: science and technology
Book Reviews
Bergmann, Iris 2012. Book Review: The handbook of sustainability literacy: Skills for a changing world by Arran Stibbe (Ed.). Environmental Education Research. 18(5), 719-722.
Bergmann, Iris 2011. Every Living Being – Representations of Nonhuman Animals in the Exploration of Human Well-Being by Marie-France Boissonneault. The Canadian Journal of Environmental Education 16, 175-177.
Bergmann, Iris 2009. Green frontiers: environmental educators dancing away from mechanism by James Gray-Donald and David Selby (Eds). Environmental Education Research 15(6), 733 – 736
Bergmann, Iris M 2008. Watching Wildlife by Cynthia Chris. Visual Studies 23 (3), 287-289.